Sandy Springs: 404-847-0829

Lawrenceville: 678-985-8080

​Johns Creek: 770-663-0120

Sandy Springs: The re-registration deadline for our existing students is last day of February. First week of March the Acceptance letters will be sent to all students applying from outside of school. We will accept registrations after those dates if space allows. Please e-mail or call with the age of your child to know if there is still space available in that age-group!!

Lawrenceville and Johns Creek: The re-registration deadline for our existing students is last day of April. First week of May the Acceptance letters will be sent to all students applying from outside of school. We will accept registrations after those dates if space allows. Please e-mail or call with the age of your child to know if there is still space available in that age-group!!

  Admission Process​

Tuition and Fees

Application Fee

Application Fee Sandy Springs: $100 per year/per student

Application Fee Lawrenceville: $200 per year/per student

Application Fee Johns Creek: $200 per year/per student

​Yearly Fees, Sandy Springs Location:

Matriculation Fee: $500 per year/per student
Tuition, Preschool/Daycare
We offer part-time and full-time Preschool/Daycare options on all locations, and Elementary School (K-5th Grade) in our Sandy Springs location. For detailed information on Preschool/Daycare tuition please call or visit our locations.

Elementary School Tuition, Sandy Springs, yearly
K - 5th grades               $15,000 ​

​​Call us for a tour

Sandy Springs School: 404-847-0829

Lawrenceville School: 678-985-8080

​Johns Creek School: 770-663-0120